Sunday, April 26, 2009

Great MOB Team Effort at TDM

It was a great effort yesterday as MOB 40+ team placed 3 guys in the top 10 with Mark Jellous on the podium in 3rd behind Charlie Brown and Gordon Steel. We had a good showing at the start with Mark Jellous, Rich Melencio, Daryl Rains, Grant Lawyer, Steven Brumley, Tim Gavin, and myself at the start of a very warm day looking at the 51mile loop around Moore Co.
Almost as quick as the moto took off at the start so did Kurt Massy and Todd Stout with myself in tow. We were rotating well and all three of us very commited as we headed out to do the first of 2 laps. Once on to the loop section of the course on a sustained roller we lost Kurt Massey but we picked up a Carolina Masters rider which I think was Grant McAllister. So now it is Todd Stout, Grant and myself with a report coming from the moto that we have a 1:40 on the field. My line of thinking was the longer we are out here the less pressure on the team. After we had completed the first lap and into the second we were caught by a charging field. As soon as we were caught there several attacks which brought out a group of 10. The break of the day had David Leduc, Charlie Brown, John Patterson, Gordon Steel, and Grant Mcallister. It was satisfing to see Daryl Rains and Mark Jellous in the mix. John Patterson put in a attack just before the feed that caused me to come off of the break. The break was now 9 with about 2mins on what was left of the field. I sat up rehydrated and waited on the field. Once in the field I joined Steven Brumley and Rich Melenico to contest 10-15th.
After making the turn off of Lobea Rd we were into the wind for about a 10mile stretch before getting back to downtown Southern Pines. On a little roller Steven was off the front of the field with about a 15 sec gap with Rick sitting 3rd wheel frustrating the two guys stuck on the front trying to bring back Steven. I was sitting two wheels behind Rich watching it all play out. Steven's gap just kept growing ever so slightly as he stayed focused in to the steady wind while Rich just sat on these two guys. Steven turned into the neigbrohood he was gone and had 10th place, so I thought. Now my job was to try to get Rich to the line in the best possible shape. I picked up the lead coming the thur the neighborhood on a inclined and kept the pace as high as I could with Rich on my wheel. I was able to get him onto Midland Ave. but I could tell I was losing it. I pulled right to let him go and rolled on in. Once I crossed the finished line I saw Daryl then Mark but no Steven. Steven came in later and said that he followed the moto off course. After it was all sorted out Mark was 3rd, Daryl was 6th and Steven was placed in 9th. From what I would soon learn was that Grant put in some efforts for the team as the field was bring back the break that I was in to take some of the heat from Mark. It really was tremendous to have Tim with us as well for the support he gave. I can not say enough about the team effort that was demonstrated by all. I can not wait to do it again Tuesday night at Dixie. Rodney

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great write up Rodney. I was really grateful they put me back in the results, the chief ref made it very clear that was not usually the case in these situations. The worst part was having to hang around the ref stand for an hour while they figured it out. Very proud to be part of this team, everyone worked hard and Mark and Daryl really made it pay off. Can't wait to do it again.
